Jericho Brown on Amy Woolard's NECK OF THE WOODS

Neck of the Woods by Amy Woolard will be published in April, 2020 by Alice James Bookes

Neck of the Woods by Amy Woolard will be published in April, 2020 by Alice James Bookes

”Amy Woolard’s Neck of the Woods is a book that abides between dark humor—’Tornados need to slow their roll & keep their cones tight’—and the kind of disasters rendered so casually that they seem all the more terrifying—‘tremored like seeing a landscape while your elbows/Are hooked onto somebody from the back.’ In all, this is a book about survival, but this speaker is honest enough to say she’s hasn’t been made whole: ‘A demolition after my own heart.’  What a lovely debut!” —Jericho Brown

Sarah Cassavant